Welcome to our cheesy, funky, Retro Site!
The Ghost Buster Gals

~ Fast Friendly Ghost Removal ~
Ronnie Rennae Foster
"Angel Girl"
LauraLee Mistycah
"Witchy Woman

We’ve got the realms covered!
Are you being bothered by...
Pesky Poltergeists?
Obnoxious Odors ?
Nonsensical Noises?
Continuous Cold Spots?
Spirits Getting You Down???

Who Ya Gonna Call?
The Ghost Buster Gals
Mansions, homes, businesses and cars...
We've got the experience you need!

When it's beyond your understanding. . . . .

Who Ya Gonna Call?
The Ghost Buster Gals
No job too large or too small.
Get Rid of Those Ghastly Ghosts for Good!

A ghost can't scare you if you're not afraid of it…

And we're not afraid of no ghosts!
Ghost Busting Is Our Business
And we’re dead serious about our profession!

So if your environment is giving you
"The Hee-Bee-Gee-Bees"
you'd best be calling
The G.B.Gs!!!
(Ghost Buster Gals)
~ Click on the Hag as she says --"Hee-Bee-Gee-Bees" ~
She will take you "Out Of This World" .....(and into ours)